Programme Director
Ho-Keung Ng
MBChB (Edin), MD, FRCPath, FHKCPath, Chair Professor and past Associate Dean (Education)
H.K.Ng is Chair Professor at CUHK and was a COS at PWH for 12 years and Associate Dean (Education) at CUHK for 15 years. He has directed this programme for 15 years.

Ho-Keung Ng
MBChB (Edin), MD, FRCPath, FHKCPath, Chair Professor and past Associate Dean (Education)

H.K.Ng is Chair Professor at CUHK and was a COS at PWH for 12 years and Associate Dean (Education) at CUHK for 15 years. He has directed this programme for 15 years.
Key Programme Organizers
Kwok-Wai Lo
PhD, Professor, CUHK
Professor Lo is a Professor at CUHK and Head of the Graduate Division of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology at CUHK at PWH. He is also a registered MLT.

Kwok-Wai Lo
PhD, Professor, CUHK

Professor Lo is a Professor at CUHK and Head of the Graduate Division of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology at CUHK at PWH. He is also a registered MLT.
Aden Chan
MBChB, PhD, FHKCPath, Associate Consultant, PWH
Dr Aden Chan is Associate Consultant at PWH and also Adjunct Assistant Professor at CUHK.

Aden Chan
MBChB, PhD, FHKCPath, Associate Consultant, PWH

Dr Aden Chan is Associate Consultant at PWH and also Adjunct Assistant Professor at CUHK.
Gregory Cheng
MD, FRCP(C), Clinical and Laboratory Hematologist, previous Professor, CUHK
Professor Gregory Cheng is both a clinician and a laboratory haematologist at the Macau University of Science and Technology. He was a clinical hematologist and Professor at PWH and CUHK and before that, held the same portfolio at QMH and HKU.

Gregory Cheng
MD, FRCP(C), Clinical and Laboratory Hematologist, previous Professor, CUHK

Professor Gregory Cheng is both a clinician and a laboratory haematologist at the Macau University of Science and Technology. He was a clinical hematologist and Professor at PWH and CUHK and before that, held the same portfolio at QMH and HKU.
Kent Tsang
Dr Kent Tsang was previously SO of the Hematology Division at PWH and Adjunct Assistant Professor at CUHK. He has then worked as a scientist at St Jude Resesrch Children Hospital, Memphis, USA and is now a scientist at Miltenyi Biotec, Boston. He founded this MSc programme together with H K Ng.

Kent Tsang

Dr Kent Tsang was previously SO of the Hematology Division at PWH and Adjunct Assistant Professor at CUHK. He has then worked as a scientist at St Jude Resesrch Children Hospital, Memphis, USA and is now a scientist at Miltenyi Biotec, Boston. He founded this MSc programme together with H K Ng.

Anna Tsang
Assistant Professor, CUHK

Vanessa Lo
Laboratory Manager, Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital
Vanessa Lo
Laboratory Manager, Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital
Paul Chan
MBBS (HK), MSc (Virology) (Lond), MD (CUHK), FRCPath, FHKCPath, FHKAM (Pathology)
Professor Chan is a Professor at the Department of Microbiology, CUHK.
Paul Chan
MBBS (HK), MSc (Virology) (Lond), MD (CUHK), FRCPath, FHKCPath, FHKAM (Pathology)
Professor Chan is a Professor at the Department of Microbiology, CUHK.
Teachers of the Programme
More than one hundred pathologists, scientists and senior technologists are involved as teachers. They are all actively practising medical laboratory science in Hospital Authority laboratories, laboratories in the Department of Health or private laboratories in Hong Kong. They all deal with patients’ samples and reporting in their daily work.
Listed below are some of the teachers :
Ho-Keung Ng, Chair Professor, Department of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology, CUHK
Aden Chan, Associate Consultant, PWH
Kent Tsang, scientist at Miltenyi Biotec, USA, formerly SO, Hematology Division, PWH
Gregory Cheng, Professor, University of Macau, formerly Professor and clinical hematologist, CUHK and formerly the same for HKU
Gary Tse, Professor and Department Chairman, Department of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology, CUHK and COS of pathology services, NDH
Philip Lui, COS, pathology services, UH
Richard Choy, Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, CUHK and Deputy Director, Prenatal Genetics Diagnostic Center and Hon SO, NTEC
Chit Chow, SO and Manager, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, ACP, CUHK
Thomas Ling, SO, Department of Microbiology, CUHK
Judy Lai, SO(M), Chemical Pathology Division, QEH
Thomas Wan, SO, Hematology Division, PWH and Adjunct Professor, CUHK
Wai-Chiu Tsoi, Consultant, Hong Kong Red Cross
Paul Chan, Professor, Department of Microbiology, CUHK and Honorary Consultant, PWH
Kelvin Cheng, SO, Hematology Division, PWH and Adjunct Associate Professor, CUHK
Wai-Shan Wong, Consultant, Hematology Division, QEH
Kai-Man Kam, Consultant Microbiologist, DH
Terence Poon, Associate Professor, University of Macau, formerly from Department of Chemical Pathology, CUHK
Anthony Shek, formerly Consultant Chemical Pathologist, QEH